
IMG_0278I am Ebony. Mane Mama here on Coiled Glory. There are four children in our blended family of which I have given birth to two. I have one in High School “the girl”, one in Middle School “the biggest boy”, one in Elementary School “the bigger boy”, and one under the age of 1 “the wee one”. HA! Together with their Father (The Marine) we are making a go at this family thing. As if that weren’t enough, I am a breastfeeding, natural hair transitioning, new blogger who has a full time gig.

I want you to help me through. I want to help you through. Each woman should help a woman. We know that there is no way to do this by ourselves. So let’s do it together. I am learning (always) and want to share hair and breastfeeding, and Mommy duty and books and health and prayers and whatever else with you.

Let’s do this.

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